Moral Stories/ बोधकथा

 Moral stories

चला तर मित्रांनो, आज आपण Moral stories पाहणार आहोत.कथा सर्वांनाच आवडतात परंतु कथेमधून चांगला बोध निघाला तर त्या कथा वाचायला आणि अनुकरण करायला निश्चितच चांगले असतात आणि म्हणूनच आज आपण ज्या कथा पाहणार आहोत त्यातून निश्चितच चांगला बोध निघतो आणि याचा उपयोग आपल्याला आपले संस्कार घडवण्यासाठी निश्चितच होतो.

आज आपण ज्या English Moral Stories पाहणार आहोत त्या Moral Stories संस्कारक्षम तसेच चांगला माणूस घडविणाऱ्या कथा आहेत. मला माहित आहे. तुम्ही या कथा निश्चित वाचाल आणि त्याप्रमाणे अनुकरण कराल व आपले जीवन संस्कारक्षम बनवाल.

शालेय बोधकथा

            जर अशा पद्धतीच्या बोधकथा आपणास वाचायच्या असतील तर येथे ~ CLICK  HERE 

                          A man named Ramesh used to drive a cab for his living. He had a large family and it was difficult for him to meet the daily needs of his family One day, a rich man took a ride in his cab. The man looked very busy and was rushing to the airport. While unloading his luggage from the cab, he dropped his wallet in the cab. After finishing his day's duty, Ramesh came home and slept. Next morning, while cleaning his cab, Ramesh found the rich man's wallet under the backseat of the car. The wallet had lot of cash. Ramesh was poor but he was honest. He managed to find the rich man's address in few days and went to return the wallet. The rich man was very glad to get his wallet back. He appointed Ramesh in his company as a manager. Now, Ramesh was able to support his family well.

Moral: loyal is the best policy.

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